Friday, April 8, 2011

Facebook To Help Users Burned By Profile-To-Page Migration

Facebook now offers a potential solution for users who converted their profiles into pages, only to regret the decision after the fact.

As reported by Inside Facebook, Facebook has created an appeal form for users who want to reverse course on their profile-to-page migration.

As we discussed, the Facebook profile migration tool may leave users with some unintended consequences. Facebook temporarily disabled the tool last week, reportedly because of API strain.

If you are one of the users who, like me, made the ill-fated decision to use the Facebook migration tool, you can fill out this appeal form. Filling it out is not a guarantee that Facebook will be able to reverse your profile, but it is at least as start.

The form page states:

Profile to business Page migrations are meant for profiles that do not represent a person. If you have accidentally migrated your profile to a Page, you can submit your request for a reversal. Please keep in mind that we will remove your business Page if your profile is restored. We may reject any appeals that we deem to be inappropriate. Further, we may not reply to all submitted appeals.

If your appeal is approved, the newly created business page will be removed. Users can still create a new business page for themselves, however, users will need to court fans the old-fashioned way.

Since sharing my own tale of near Facebook suicide, I have heard from dozens of readers who, after suffering the same fate, are looking for reprieve.

We think it’s great that Facebook is making an effort to help users recover their personal accounts. Our advice still stands: Avoid using the migration tool unless you need to convert the page of a brand or business for terms of service reasons.

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